
Actors: Getting Through the Door Means Knowing Your Casting
Actors: Getting Through the Door Means Knowing Your Casting

Do you know, really, candidly know, how you are most likely to be cast? Today. Tomorrow. Right now. From your submitted headshot. Not your fantasy role, the lead in everything, but have you done your homework on your casting in today’s media, and do you fully own it?...

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Your Dating Portrait Photographer: Finding “The One”
Your Dating Portrait Photographer: Finding “The One”

Finding Your Ideal Online Dating Profile Photographer Connecting with your photographer is essential, just part of why a pre-shoot, in-person consult is so valuable. Creating your online dating profile is an exciting journey, and to make a lasting impression, you'll...

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Secret Sauce of an Actor Headshot that Really Works
Secret Sauce of an Actor Headshot that Really Works

You spend hard-earned money on new acting headshots, and happy day, everyone loves them! Mom, friends, even your enigmatic new agent is pleased. You get your shots up on the casting sites and online profiles, on your IMDB page, your website, and self-submit like...

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Tricks of the Trade
Tricks of the Trade

Unless you’re a professional model or actor, celebrity or star athlete, the chances are high that having a camera lens pointed at your face is nearly as appealing as getting out of bed on a Monday morning. Fear, dread, self-judgement, self-doubt, all come crashing in,...

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Body Language, It Speaks Volumes in Your Photographs
Body Language, It Speaks Volumes in Your Photographs

Body language speaks for us, whether we intend it to, or not. This universal language is made up of physical behavior, expressions, micro-expressions and mannerisms to communicate non-verbally. When photographing a client, I use this language with carefully calculated...

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The Eyes Have It
The Eyes Have It

Research proves that eye contact activates the limbic mirror system in our brains, so the same neurons firing in someone else’s brain, will also fire in yours when you share eye contact. I craft all my portraits to bring the viewer’s attention to my subject’s...

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