Getting Headshots that Turn Heads and Open Doors

Getting Headshots that Turn Heads and Open Doors

According to LinkedIn’s internal metrics data, profiles with professional headshots get 21 times more profile views, and 36 times more messages. Answering the calls at Geoffrey Donne Photography, “I just need a great business headshot” is something I hear a lot. But...
Secret Sauce of an Actor Headshot that Really Works

Secret Sauce of an Actor Headshot that Really Works

You spend hard-earned money on new acting headshots, and happy day, everyone loves them! Mom, friends, even your enigmatic new agent is pleased. You get your shots up on the casting sites and online profiles, on your IMDB page, your website, and self-submit like...
Tricks of the Trade

Tricks of the Trade

Unless you’re a professional model or actor, celebrity or star athlete, the chances are high that having a camera lens pointed at your face is nearly as appealing as getting out of bed on a Monday morning. Fear, dread, self-judgement, self-doubt, all come crashing in,...